🌞 -2 Days Until Election Day – November 05 2020


Happy Thursday.  Did you know that today is World Tsunami Awareness Day. I’ve done my part to make you aware of Tsunamis. Spread the word. 🌊

In Case You Missed It.

🇳🇿 Search results for “how to move to New Zealand” trended on Google from the United States on Tuesday. You can infer why.

🐾 A man in Texas was shot by his dog.

👙 Voters in Texas promised to post naked selfies if the state flipped Democratic. It did not so those people had to remain clothed.

👮🏻‍♀️ A woman in Ohio was fired by her sheriff for being a lesbian so she ran against him and now she’s the new sheriff.

Coronavirus Update: 🗣 Total confirmed U.S. cases as of 1 a.m. ET: 9,480,242 — Total deaths: 233,663 — Total recoveries: 3,743,527

The US hit a new record of more than 100,000 Covid cases in a single day on Wednesday.


Program Rate Change APR Change
30 year 2.92%  0.04% 2.98% 0.05%
15 year 2.77% 0.17% 2.87% 0.18%

The Lead: We Still Don’t Have a Winner

credit: drudge

Same thing we said yesterday: No decisive victor has been called for the Presidency. Vice President Biden has been declared the victor of the key state of Michigan by the media only. His path to success is increasingly hopeful so he gave a short speech Wednesday evening.

Where things stand

Biden committed to waiting to declare victory until it was all over but said he was hoping to become the President for all Americans when all votes were counted.

Despite the final result, turnout was still one for the history books. Biden received more votes as of Wednesday than any other Presidential candidate in American history, surpassing Barack Obama by 300,000 votes.

Big picture: The states we still need to declare a winner include Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, North Carolina, and Alaska. The President has been prematurely declaring victory in many of those states on Twitter and Twitter has in turn been flagging the Tweets as untrue. As predicted.

Meanwhile, Stimulus and Stocks

The stock market still trended upwards, despite the uncertainty. Senate leader Mitch McConnell said that he wants to revive efforts for a Covid stimulus package and House Leader Nancy Pelosi is ready to talk again.

Given that Democrats did not sweep leadership in the Senate, the two of them will have to go back to the same balance of power that they had before the election and work something out. Pelosi will likely have to lower her demands in order to pass something. McConnell said he would like a bill passed before the end of the year.

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Pit Bulls Win The Popular Vote

credit: giphy

In Denver, citizens have voted to repeal a ban on owning pit bulls for the first time in 30 years.

Pit bulls get a wrap for being aggressive dogs and were banned in Denver in 1986 after 20 people had been attacked. Opponents of this bill said that many dogs are unlicensed in Denver and that breed-specific bans do not work. Voters agreed with this logic and passed the ballot measure with almost 65% approval, allowing pet owners to choose a pit bull as long as they are microchipped and compliant with Animal Protection requirements.

News By The Numbers

credit: cnycentral.com

21. That is how many Presidential elections a man in New York has voted in, including the one this week. He is 104 years old. His first vote was in 1940 when Franklin D Roosevelt won re-election.

15 million. That is how many minks Denmark says that it has to exterminate because they have Covid and are spreading it to humans.

89%. That is the percentage of Americans who were wearing face masks in public in June, up from 78% in April. Despite the politicizing of the masks, young people were least likely to wear a mask, not convinced partisans.

Breaking Up Migrant Families

giphy.gif credit: ap

The United States is reportedly dumping migrant children from other countries into Mexico after it was reported that over 500 of these children cannot be matched with their parents. These children are not Mexican and the Mexican government has no way to match them with their parents but the U.S. apparently wants to wash their hands of them.

This is a violation of a diplomatic agreement with Mexico but the US is using the pandemic as an excuse to expunge these children that it separated of its own accord. The diplomatic agreement says that these children must be flown back to their home countries but it would seem that the US is using the diverted attention to overlook these rules. If this is true, it is shameful.

Don’t Track Me Bro

credit: getty

California passed Proposition 24, which will affect everyone in the US because it puts stricter privacy laws on tech companies.

Harder to track you

The Consumer Privacy Rights Act tightens how companies like Google and Facebook can track your personal data such as age, race, religion, and genetics. It also allows consumers to stop these businesses from selling or sharing this information. This is big business for both companies. They will have to re-think a big part of their revenue as a result but not quickly. The Proposition won’t be enforceable until 2023.

Other than this ruling, California voted in the interests of businesses. The state voted against affirmative action in schools and employment, shooting down Proposition 16. They rejected a vote for stricter rent control. They rejected a property tax increase on commercial properties. They passed a law allowing contract companies such as Lyft and Uber to be exempt from labor laws. All of these laws would have put onerous requirements on investors and businesses in the state, which already has a reputation for Draconian business laws.

Given the California exodus from the pandemic, the state cannot afford to give businesses more of a reason to leave.

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