Happy Monday. I’m pretty sure I had nightmares about the election last night. Either that or I’m coming out of my Halloween candy coma.

In Case You Missed It:
This Saturday was declared John Candy Day in Toronto for what would have been the actor’s 70th birthday.
The CDC says cruise ships can sail but not with passengers. Okay then.
A 7.0 earthquake hit Turkey this weekend, killing at least 80 people so far.
The Philippines was slammed this weekend with Typhoon Goni, the strongest storm in the country’s history. It carried 140 mph winds and has killed at least 10 people so far.
Coronavirus Update: Total confirmed U.S. cases as of 3 a.m. 9,207,362— Total deaths: 230,996 — Total recoveries: 3,630,579
- Dozens of inmates in a San Diego jail have tested positive for Covid.
- Think your cough may indicate that you’ve got Covid? There’s an app for that.
- New lockdowns were announced in the UK and Portugal this weekend.
- Scientists say that Covid can survive up to 3 weeks on frozen meat.