Happy Monday. The Supreme Court’s 2021-2022 term starts today. They’re back in person for the first time since March 2020. I hope they remember their trapper keepers and backpacks.
In Case You Missed It.

credit: arby's
🥓 You can now buy a sweatsuit that smells like smoked meat because Arby’s thinks “Smoked Sweats” are a thing that you want.
🔠The James Webb Space Telescope is keeping its name, despite calls for a switch. James Webb, former NASA Administrator from 1961 to 1968, is widely reported to have discriminated against women and LGBTQIA+ people. The agency says they found no evidence to warrant a name change.
📺 Pat Robertson appeared in his last show of The 700 Club on Friday. The 91-year-old is stepping down after 55 years of hosting. His son is taking on host duties starting today.
💰 Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has to pay damages to families of children killed in the 2012 Newtown massacre, a tragedy which he said: “pretty much didn’t happen.” This is not the first time he’s been held liable, and there are more lawsuits pending.
🛑 Ozy is no more. The digital media company closed down on Friday. Turns out a lot of their success was like when I tell myself cookie dough made out of chickpeas is ‘just as good’ as the real thing. Reality always gets you in the end.
Coronavirus Update: 😷 Total confirmed U.S. cases as of 2:00 p.m. ET on Sunday: 43,669,745 — Total deaths: 700,982
- Less than two months after Tyson Foods announced its vaccine mandate, 91% of employees are fully vaccinated. There are 120,000 employees, so that’s not nothing.
- American Airlines announced Friday that it will require all U.S.-based employees and some international crew to be vaccinated.
- Justice Brett Kavanaugh tested positive for Covid. He is fully vaccinated and has no symptoms, but he will participate in oral arguments remotely this week.
- Alabama is close to approving the use of $400 million of Covid relief money to build two huge prisons. I don’t think that’s what the money is for.
- Alaska is having to decide who will live and who will die because ICU beds are overrun with Covid patients. Alaska is now the number one hotspot in the U.S.
- The CDC released guidance Saturday for upcoming holiday celebrations. They want us to stay home and celebrate outdoors with (a small number of) close family and friends. If your party has to happen indoors, the CDC recommends window fans to increase circulation. Just don’t invite Terri. She’s always going for that wind-blown hair look. 3,343.92