Happy Monday. Day drinking is being encouraged in the UK to help the food and beverage industry recover. Finance experts say that each person must drink 124 pints this summer to do their part.

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In Case You Missed It.
🇮🇱 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that the military operation against Palestinian Hamas will continue “with full force” for the foreseeable future.
🛸 After 52 years on the air, "60 Minutes" has aired its first serious episodes about the existence of UFOs on Sunday.
🥤 A Starbucks drink order went viral for being obnoxiously long and complicated. There is now a name for ordering your drinks this way. It is called “the Edward.”
🐕 The man who went to jail rather than give up his dog has settled his lawsuit and will get to keep his best friend Roxy.
🚔 Organizers of New York City’s Pride events have uninvited the New York Police Department from the June events. You can ban police from events now?
⚡️ Coke Energy is being discontinued. Side note: we just learned Coke had a product called Coke Energy.
Coronavirus Update: 😷 Total confirmed cases as of 12:15 p.m. ET on Sunday: 32,925,882 — Total deaths: 585,729 — Total tests: 451,509,446
- Businesses are worried about the removal of mask mandates because it puts more liability on their shoulders.
- The Department of Homeland Security is warning of terrorist attacks as the U.S. eases Covid restrictions.
- Congressional Democrats have a 100% vaccination rate. For Republicans, approximately 45% of House members and 92% of Senators have had the vaccine.
- Hotels and flights are already selling out for this summer after a year of pent-up wanderlust.