News By The Numbers

$25 million. That is the asking price for one of England’s most historic properties, recently put up for sale. It has been owned by the same family since 1633 and the property is larger than Central Park in New York City. No pool? Come on man!
90%. That is how many dog owners who adopted during the pandemic have kept the pup, despite reports of people returning pandemic pets. The statistic is 85% for cats.
1,250 years. That is how long ago Yellowstone National Park had record warming temperatures. A new study shows that 2016 was the hottest year of the park’s record since the year 770 and the park continues to get hotter.
150 years old. That is the maximum human lifespan, according to new research. That is, if cancer, heart disease, stress, toxins and wild animals don’t get to you first.
3,000 years ago. That was the last time the Tasmanian devil was born in mainland Australia. Until now! Seven baby Tasmanian devils were born at a Wildlife Sanctuary in New South Wales. They’re ugly cute!