Viva IN Las Vegas

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Las Vegas real estate is a mystery, much like its neighboring Area 51. The Nevada vacation town saw huge growth spirts with real estate in the mid-2000s, skid to a halt a few years later, and is back on the rise. It isn’t the heat or the gambling that keeps a steady stream of newcomers though. It is the appeal of relatively affordable housing, low property taxes, and lack of state income tax.

Zillow reports that 61% of online real estate searches in Las Vegas come from non-Vegas residents, indicating that people want to migrate there from wherever they currently live. And where do people not want to live? Communities with low numbers of local residents seeking real estate where they live include Nashville, Tennessee, Salt Lake City, Utah, San Jose, California, and Charlotte, North Carolina. It seems the pressures of living in crowded and competitive places is taking its toll on some who dream of pulling up stakes where things could be just a bit easier, Wagon Trail style.

Meanwhile, the outside-in location where people want to move into Las Vegas the most: Orange County, California. Residents of this expensive suburb would find Las Vegas familiar. They share many of the same coffee shops, chain restaurants and grocery stores, all with vast parking lots for all of those SUVs. The main difference? If you go grocery shopping in Orange County, you can’t play slot machines in the Safeway. If you go in Las Vegas, you can. And that’s not a sin!

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