Selling your home just got a lot easier. If you’ll take the offer. Last year, Opendoor and Redfin teamed up
Selling your home just got a lot easier. If you’ll take the offer. Last year, Opendoor and Redfin teamed up
The Cornhusker State has seen tremendous growth and it’s facing, stop me if you’ve heard this before, a housing crisis.
High-income earners are transforming rental markets across the country and the middle class is taking it up the tail pipe.
What happens when the government promises to pay 3/4 of your deposit on a new home? A surge of first-time
Thinking about investing in luxury homes? You better add a hair salon. It’s a trend not reserved for Mariah Carey
The nation’s top 50 metropolitan ares are split right down the middle where the good Lord split ya. Sorry I
Europe is at it again, innovating while the rest of the world sits back and watches. Architects in the Nordic
President Trump dropped his proposed budget for 2021. The key word here is proposed. The budget must pass congress before
Having a tech company like Amazon, Apple and Google move into your neighborhood is both a blessing and a curse.