A Realtor Gives Back
A realtor in Ohio has turned to sewing face masks during the pandemic, even though her “day job” selling houses
A realtor in Ohio has turned to sewing face masks during the pandemic, even though her “day job” selling houses
Landlords who invest for appreciation will have the hardest time during the pandemic fallout. Avail, a landlord software, estimates that
Construction is considered an “essential industry” by the federal government, so the work continues during the pandemic in most places.
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. This chart from Redfin shows just how quickly people have been taking
Yes, you do. Laughter is very healing. Celebrity comedians are going to live stream LAUGH AID this weekend to benefit
Manhattan real estate is proving not to be immune to the coronavirus pandemic. The number of new listings last week
The Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas will always hold its place in the city’s history of a time gone by
The CARES small business loans are set to open for applications today, but the banks that back them say that
We’re a real estate investing newsletter, but it’s hard for the top story to not be President Trump’s press conference.